Remember your Wadi Rum trip forever
Wadi rum photography
Wadi Rum is a photographer's paradise, offering a stunning backdrop for a variety of photography styles. Each of these photography styles thrives in the unique, otherworldly beauty of Wadi Rum, making it a must-visit destination for photographers of all skill levels.
We also have videographers available! Contact us for the options.
what we offer
Travel photography tour
Are you an influencer? Or a traveler that wants to fully enjoy your trip. Don’t get caught up with taking pictures all the time, while you could be enjoying the views. Our photographers got you covered by taking high quality pictures, capturing your best desert memories.
You can join a shared tour, or we can do a private tour, adjusting to your wishes. A local guide will bring you to the sights and the photographer will capture your journey through the highlights of Wadi Rum. We know all the right places to make the best pictures. This photoshoot is suitable for all travelers and highly recommend for influencers focused on travel photography. Our professionals will shoot the best desert pictures.
Desert photography course
Join us on this journey through the Wadi Rum Protected Area, and learn to best capture the nature, history, and culture. This course is meant for amateur photographers or tourists. We can teach you the basics of photography, but we will mainly focus on the different techniques that can be used in the desert, like playing with depth, changing your focus, getting creative, use of light and working with contrast.
Business photoshoot
Do you have a product or service to sell, and are you looking for a unique place to shoot your promo package? The desert is the right place for you, with a stunning backdrop of massive mountains, sand dunes, a clear blue sky, the best sunsets, and a panoramic landscape. Tell us your vision and our photographers will make it come alive. Together we will make a plan that meets your wishes. You have a local guide to your disposal that brings you to all the sights, and a photographer that makes high quality pictures.